Gina Joy Carano, a former mixed martial artist and fitness model who is also an actor. Her career began as an Muay Thai fighter before becoming The Face of Women's MMA. She has an incredible Muay Thai competition record of 12 victories, one loss and one draw. The first American to have ever won a Muay Thai title in Thailand. As a child she did well in dancing, gymnastics, jazz tap horsesback riding, and basketball. Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling and other forms of martial art are part of her routine. The span of her MMA experience includes seven wins and one loss. It was her combination of power techniques and personality in addition to her beauty and laid back attitude that helped her become a well-known MMA fighter. She's been an actress in Hollywood blockbusters, including Haywire, Fast & Furious 6' and other Hollywood hits. Many critics said that she used her sexuality to further her career. These harsh remarks never slowed her phenomenal spirit, and the people continued to shower their affection over her. Because of her incredible abilities, her strength of character and determination, she is an inspirational figure for thousands of people.
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